Thursday, May 3, 2012

Believing Today, Becoming Tomorrow

Sometimes I think about how "thank you" just isn't enough.  When God puts someone in your life who truly loves you, someone who is truly a friend, or some random act of kindness comes your way, "thank you" just isn't enough.  We often say "Thank you Jesus", if only that were enough!  It is very rare to find a human being who actually has your back.  It is very rare to find someone who actually loves you other than those who are meant to love you (i.e. a family member).  I thank God today for who I am and what I have I am even happy with what I don't have, somethings just aren't necessary.  One thing we must all do, is look at what we do have and not at what we don't.  I may not be rich, but I have things that money can't buy.  The best things in life are free.  I am rich in love, I am rich in spirit, I am rich in health, I am rich in Christ, I am rich!  Admittedly, it took love for me to notice these things.  When someone truly loves you, like God or whom he sends to be your mate, they help you see the brighter side of things.  We all have a habit of being negative sometimes or unable to see past our current predicaments, but often someone else's point of view can really turn that frown into a smile.  We cannot make it alone, and we don't have to.  There are people and places and things put in our paths for the better of our future.  God makes it so!  When you wake up in the morning thank whomever you pray to, if you don't pray that's fine because someone somewhere is praying for you.  Don't just assume that today or anyday is going to be a bad one because that is exactly what it is going to be, especially if you are one who is easily angered or discouraged.  Expect great things, expect to be happy, expect to have friends (real ones), expect love, expect life, expect greatness in yourself!  Stop worrying about what you don't have before God takes away what you do have.  It's an old cliche' "you don't what you've got til it's gone".  Think about that for a minute.  I hate to hear people say I had a bad week.  How bad could it have been? You're alive and well to tell about that bad week.  Could've been worse...could've had your photo on a T-shirt...could've been casting your ashes out to sea...could've ended up in a coma...think about it! It's not that bad.  So you hate your job, at least you have a job.  So the bank is foreclosing on your home, someone will take you in.  You have no friends, there's a wonderful friend in Jesus, Mohammed, God, Allah, Buddha, pick one they're great and offer solace.  You have not because you ask not.  Don't get stuck in a rut, a grasshopper mentality, the "how am I going to figure this out" way of life.  Have faith! Believe in yourself and what you are (whether you believe it or not) fully capable of!  Everyday is a new day, a new beginning, a chance to make things better, a chance to make things right.  Today will be a great day!  I will get angry at the driver on the road, but I won't stay that way.  I will get mad about gas prices and bill collectors, but I won't stay that way.  Life isn't fair, or perfect...thank God it's only some of the time.  Today I will go out with the old and in with the new because I have faith and I am a believer in me!

Believing Today, Becoming Tomorrow,
Tempera Mental Art