Thursday, June 13, 2013


The things which I find are most important in this world are family, faith, friendship, patience, and love. When you have these things in your life there is no need to list other important things such as honor, loyalty, and trust. Most of us think of ourselves as good people, living our daily lives while fighting the good fight. I believe in my heart that while the news only shows us the negatives in the world, there are still some good people and good things taking place in this world.

While many people are wondering where their next meal is coming from, there is someone out there fighting to get them fed. While human traffickers are profiting from the enslavement of others, someone is fighting to put an end to this gross display of injustice. While some of us are complaining about racism and prejudice, there are those of us whom are fighting for equality. While many of us wake up every morning and immediately reach for a cigarette, turn on music videos, check email, or simply get out of bed and immediately go to the bathroom, there are those of us who simply first thank God for another day, or are at least happy to be taking another breathe.

What you stand for has much to do with the very first thing you do in the morning. We should never take for granted that tomorrow will come simply because we think that it will or because we are in the picture of health or have a lot going on. It can all be over in a blink. We must learn to be grateful that are problems are not such that we cannot find our next meal, that we are enslaved, that this could be a depression. We must learn to be grateful for the little things and stop worrying about idiotic things such as Chris Brown and Drake fighting. How is something like that relevant to your daily life? When was the last time you called your mother? Or spoke with someone you love?

My point is there is less struggle and difficulty in our lives than we would like to admit. We have the tendency to become more ungrateful for what we do not have and less grateful for what we do. We are selfish individuals who have the tendency to think that we have problems, real problems. I would rather have a bill to complain about than starvation. I would rather be looking for a job than to be forced into slavery. I would rather be the change I seek as opposed to bitching all the time about racism and inequality. Fortunately, those of us who realize such things are not the last of a dying breed. Those of us who give a damn about others are gaining momentum. Is it an uphill battle, absolutely, but change is inevitable. And for all of you out there who have a problem with immigrants, African-Americans, LGBT individuals, SUCK IT UP! Human beings have certain inalienable rights, as a founding father so eloquently put it. I digress.

Again, my people let us be grateful for what we have. Let us help others and when someone helps us, pay it forward. That is all for now.

Tempera Mental

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Be Grateful

It is beyond difficult to be grateful for all that we have when we are stressed about other things. Many of us are often plagued with overdue bills, embarrassing conversations we do not want to have with bill collectors, or the money we may or may not be making at our jobs. It is troubling to admit our faults and that we often bring such nuisances on ourselves. I awoke this morning in a state of sadness for no apparent reason at all. The bills are paid; I have food, clothing, running water, electricity, and a working automobile. These are things that most of us have, so why isn't that enough?

We live in a world that indirectly encourages envy, rage, greed, and hatred. Television glamorizes what we do not have and makes it seem so easy. People hate Kim Kardashian, but why? Things are not always what they seem. People look down on her as opposed to applauding the fact that she did not run and hide or commit suicide when scandal ensued. For most people scandal is unbearable. One would think that instead of glamorizing fame and glory, television producers would have at least one show that chronicles exactly what these people have to go through for such fame and glory. Everybody wants to be famous, but no one wants to put the work in.

We must learn to be grateful for what we have. It is okay to be broke when all of your bills are paid and there is food in the refrigerator. It is okay to miss a party because there will be many more. We must learn to sacrifice our wants for our needs. And most of all we must learn to save money. There is nothing worse than hearing a person say "I spend money because I never had any". This is the height of ignorance. When you have money do not spend it all, so you can look good in front of people who really do not give two shits about you and will be gone when you are broke again. And that will be sooner than you think.

We must learn to be grateful for the gift of aging, not youth. Youth says you still have a lot of growing up to do, age says you've done something right. I can only hope to be of age someday where I am wise and can help young people. We should hope to love our wrinkles someday, and to be loved by those whom we have loved all our lives. We should hope to have someone to share those wrinkles with, to have shared a life with.

My point is if money were everything the best things in life would not be free. We have all that we need, we should be grateful. Even if you do not believe in God, you should still be happy that you are not dead in a gutter somewhere. We must pray for those who are without, help them out, and let them know that there is still hope. The folks in Oklahoma recently lost their material things...material things, but they still have each other and that is what matters most.

Until next time, be grateful what you have, not ungrateful for what you don't; live, laugh, and love.

Tempera Mental