I come forth today, the strongest I have ever been. Today, I am able to let go of past mistakes. I am able to forgive myself and others. I pray for us all. I pray for those who believe in God, I pray for those who don't. I pray for those who come forth to kill, steal, and destroy. I pray for those who need help. I pray for my enemies (though they are unknown to me). I pray for those whom I have never met. I pray for our planet which is forced to endure the human race. I pray for the ignorance in us all, because make no mistake about it..we are ignorant. I say that we are ignorant because no matter how well-read or educated one might be, we still do stupid shit like, not calling your mom, or not recycling, or not paying taxes, or not helping veterans, or the forgotten man, the single mother, or caring about the way a criminal is treated...stupid shit! I pray because strength is needed on the part of us all.
I come forth today, the strongest I have ever been. There have been times when I thought I had it bad. There have been times when I felt no one loved me. There have been times when I just wanted to be the center of attention. There have been times when I would pass judgement on others as a defense mechanism. Who am I to judge? How was I unable to love the beautiful creature that God made me? Whether you believe in God or not, someone or something took their time making you, making you the artist that you are, the writer, the poet, the singer, the dancer, the gym rat, the school teacher, the policeman, the politician, the veteran, the adoptee, the judge, the garbage man, the janitor, the stripper, what ever you are, whomever you are, BE THE BEST! Do not look in the mirror with hatred, anger, or jealousy because you feel you've made so many mistakes that you can never be Jay-Z or Beyonce, Diddy or Oprah, Steve Jobs, Mark Cuban, or Zuckerberg, don't even feel animosity for not being that baller athlete that gets all the chicks or that female who is always in V.I.P. Who the hell is gonna love you if you do not love you? Who the hell is gonna help you, if you don't get up off your ass and make moves? Stop worrying about now and think about your future. Get off that corner selling drugs, it only leads to two places death or prison. Turn off the T.V. and read a book. Pay your child support. Let go of your pride and your ego, humble yourself. THERE IS NO SHAME IN FLIPPING BURGERS. THERE IS NO SHAME IN HAVING ONLY 1 PAIR OF SHOES. THERE IS NO SHAME IN CATCHING THE BUS. THERE IS NO SHAME WHEN YOU ARE DOING WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO TO MAKE A BETTER YOU. THERE IS NO SHAME IN NOT HAVING MONEY ALL THE TIME.
Today, I come forth stronger than I have ever been. Too many people worry about the wrong things in life. Facebook is not a neccessity, it is a tool for those of us with an ego, a business, a way to find a lost loved-ones, friends, even jobs. But those of us who are unhappy with who they are or are angry about certain things in which they have no control use the social network for ignorance. For example, why go through your significant others' profile and make yourself angry? How long do think it will be before that person comes to their senses and leave you? "Let that bitch like another one of your photos"...Have you any idea how stupid you sound? Many of us have a need to feel that we are not any different from anyone else. Some of us want to be different from others, but at what cost to you within? Have you the ability to accept who you really are? My point is that many of us are unhappy because of the things we tend to take seriously. You want a new car and you are jealous of the person who has one? You have no idea what drive and ambition are, but that other person does. Instead of being angry and not liking them, get on your damn grind. Do what they did (as long as it's legal...LOL!) and you will have all your heart desires. Everybody wants to be famous, no one wants to put in the work.
I come forth today, stronger than I have ever been. I LOOOOVVVEEE me. LOL! I love what I do and don't have. I love my new drive and ambition. I love that I am not the woman I used to be. I really wasn't a woman yet, I was still a little girl doing stupid shit, worrying about the wrong thing, and I almost lost everything because of it. Understand, as long as there is breath there is life, there is a chance to better ourselves, forgive ourselves, love ourselves and each other. Smile. Say please and thank you. Hold door open for someone else whether you are male or female. Not blaming others for your mistakes is the very first step in becoming an adult. You can't hate cops for putting your ass in jail, YOU broke the law. You can't get mad when bill collectors keep calling, DEAL WITH YOUR PROBLEM. Be an adult. Someone in the club is upsetting you, be an adult! You're too damn old to be fighting in a club, it only says you still have some growing up to do. Women, stop hating on each other. It's okay to tell another woman that she is pretty, that you like her dress, a simple hello and a smile goes a long way. Stop putting good fathers on child support, there is nothing attractive about a trifling woman. If and only if that man is doing a good job, leave him alone. Stop taking the child support money to get your weave done, that money is for the baby. I digress.
I come forth stronger than I have ever been. Take your life into consideration. Take care of your priorities. Stop worrying about the club, the newest J's, the newest rap song or video or iphone. Start worrying about your future, save some money, buy a home, buy a car that is reliable and good on gas, get some insurance for your life and health, stop assuming that all men or women are the same (YOU are still the same in the same place around the same types of people you don't want to be around). Find an outlet, go to the gym, talk to people you like frequently, become a beach bum, do some yoga, but by all means chill out! Stop trying to shoot somebody because you are mad at yourself. Lastly, PRAY! Get on your knees and pray to whomever your God is. If you do not have a God, or believe that there is one, then simply do what is right by others, you don't have to believe to be a nice person.
Tempera Mental Art
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ReplyDeletehttp://t.co/ldaQfMoz From Every1 Who Has Been Given Much - Much Will Be Demanded & From The 1 Who Has Been Entrusted With Much http://t.co/J0tzoeY8 Much More Will Be Asked http://t.co/u4iwEyVd