Thursday, September 8, 2011

Self Preservation

Im told self preservation is the law of life, but to what extent? Self preservation can cause one to hurt others. When is self preservation wrong? Is it wrong in team efforts? Is it wrong where friends are present? What happens when you are a nice person to others, selfless in most instances? I have always been the nice one, the one who isn't selfish. Now that I have decided to care about me, shit is hitting the fan. Now Im being told that Im "selfish", that I should have thought about this and that first before I did what I did. This came from someone who claimed to be my friend. This is the simplest of things. This person and I work together on a rotating shift with others. We were all confused about this weeks schedule. I showed up to work for the opening shift at which point my boss said I was not supposed to be there. My boss then told me to hold on while he would call the GM and my friend. I was told to work. When my friend showed up at the wrong time (like I did) later on in the day, she was upset I didn't call her. I explained to her that I didn't call her because management said they would call her. This is when she said "I thought we were friends". I feel I did what I was supposed to do which is what management said, work.

Oddly enough I don't feel I am wrong. I don't feel I owe her an apology. I actually feel better about doing what I am supposed to do to make my life easier. The first thing that came out of my mouth to her was "have I ever let you down?" "If the shoe were on the other foot, would you have called me?" there was a pause. She blamed it all on me. I walked away from her. I'm told many of my co-workers called in about the schedule rotation last week so they could be prepared for this week. I should have done the same thing. It occured to me that I am just too nice to people, that I have always been the one to give in at my job, keep the peace if you will. I just don't feel my co workers are the bitches some people make them out to be. We can all be bitches from time to time. So what! Going back to this "friend" of mine...I noticed a number of things about her that have become quite disturbing to me over the last few months. I have never been fond of those who have to kiss ass, or manipulate their way to the top of anything. When she said to me "you know how management is" I replied to her " you manipulated your way with them, now you don't know what to do?" Then came another pause.

I feel I was being a friend by telling her these things. You can't manipulate your way to through things and then cry like a baby when it blows up in your face, when you don't get your way. You grow balls, you have to wear them. When someone feels they have kissed enough ass that they can decide where they want to be at their job and when they want to work and the person whose ass they kissed punishes them for it, they then began to act childlike. This is why people do not like brown nosers. This is why arrogance is not attractive. This is why you don't burn bridges, the same people you shit on on the way up is the same people you need coming back down. I have been where no one wants to be in my workplace for the last 6 months. Now we rotate, and it is FAIR! I'm about being fair to others. We should all have a chance at making some good money. That is the problem President Obama is having right now with these fucking greedy Republicans, and the other unknown, fucking selfish ass rich people who don't wanna let anyone else make any money!

At any rate, I am happy with the decision I have made to treat others the way they treat me. I will be nice to those who are nice to me, but you will get a taste of your own medicine. Think twice when you think you've pulled the wool over someone's eyes, they might just want you to think you're winning.


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