Tuesday, February 14, 2012

LOVE (Part II)

I awoke on this beautiful morning wondering if I really wanted to blog on this most special of days. Many who know me will tell you, I love to a fault. I am a true believer that love conquers all. There aren't many people in the world who understand what love truly is or even what love is about. Many of you are under the impression that love can be bought. Many of you use the term love about as loosely as saying hello. Are you someone who feels you know truly what love is? Do you truly understand the one whom you claim to love? Do you make an effort to understand things they have gone through (without judgement)? Do you comprise? Are you self less in your love for that person? Is your relationship one-sided because you're "Queen B", or "The Man"? Do you judge someone else's love as being ridiculous, because they do what is supposed to be done in the name of love? Perhaps you don't want to look weak in front of your boys, or perhaps you need to stop listening to nagging, jealous ass females who are pissed that you are the only woman they know with a good man. By good man I mean one that a woman doesn't have to take care of, one that doesn't have to be told what to do (i.e. opening the car door), one that understands when a woman needs money it's for necessities not the new Gucci bag, one that brings home flowers...just because. This of course works both ways, you need to be a good woman. By good woman I mean shut the fuck up! By good woman I mean cook something, clean the house, let him go out with his boys and have some fucking fun if he wants to! Rub his feet. Let him tell you he'd like a damn three-some, and be confident within yourself to say whether or not you are okay with that. Love him when he is down on his luck, let him know that he is still loved, needed, desired, and that you have got his back and that you are strong for the both of you! That is what I call being his woman. Having said that, I will say this, I have not read Steve Harvey's book Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man. I am embarrassed as a woman that a book like this HAD to be written. It's truly sad that many of you bitches had absolutely no clue until that book came along. It's so sad they are making a movie about it. I digress.

This is by far the hardest blog I have ever had to write. So many of you just don't know what love is. Love is about sharing. Love is about compromise. Love is about honesty, loyalty, commitment. When you fall down, get back up. I know it is easier said than done. I have been there, and for those of you who haven't I pray you never know what it feels like to have to pick yourself back up. If that love was real, there is nothing that can get you out of that hump for some time. When I blog, I blog from experience. I have been hit by a man, I have taken care of a man (and his family), I have been loyal to a fault, I have been the other woman (I'm ashamed to say). When moments in love like these arise, that is the time to remember how much you love yourself. You should always love yourself, but sometimes as human beings do, we forget. :o) Damn, I didn't want to go here on Valentine's Day, but I had to. To share with you all that in spite of all that I have been through, I now have true love. Do I mean it's easy? Of course not, but it's understanding, loving, compromising, honest, extraordinary, peaceful, friendly, loyal, and unconditional. And I deserve it. Realize what you deserve! If you have a good woman, hold on to her. If you have a good man, hold on to him. If you see someone that makes you want to cheat, realize that nothing will ever come of it but heartache and pain, for what a few moments in the sack? It's just not worth it. That's goes doubly for those of you who are married. Take yo ass home to that person, you inconsiderate bastard. LOL!

Tempera Mental

"Because the greatest love of all, is easy to achieve. Learning to love yourself, it is the greatest love of all" ~Whitney Houston (1963-2012)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


What do you do when you have trouble getting past all of the wrong that has been done to you? What do you do when you can only hope certain things don't happen again, a broken heart, infidelity, or when the bond of trust has been broken for example? What do you do when the heart weighs heavy out of fear? What do you do when you feel less than worthy or as though you aren't living up to your full potential? It's only natural to pray and have faith and believe, which is what I do. Still, I have feelings of guilt over decisions I have made, over things that I have allowed to happen to me, things that I have done. I share with you today because I know that I am not the only one. I simply happen to have the courage to share it with others. I don't have fear in that aspect. I am honest because I am just as human as those of you who pretend you aren't. I suppose people are afraid to show who they really are to the world. Perhaps they don't feel they could withstand the scrutiny of raised eyebrows. I really don't know if I could myself. I do however feel that my honesty and realism set me apart from many. There are many things that can be attributed to our mishaps, misgivings, and/or misunderstandings. We are all so quick to pass judgment on the things we do not understand about one another. This is something we must change, but of course it is easier said than done. My point is, it's okay to be human. It's okay to have feelings. It's okay to feel the way you feel. We all feel the way you feel. We all have things that we missed out on, things we should have, could have, would have had had it not been for someone else's feelings, had it not been for our own bad decisions, had it not been for what our parents did or didn't teach us, parents who weren't there, selfishness and many other incomprehensible things. The beautiful thing is tomorrow is a new day. As long as there is life there is hope. Tomorrow affords us the beautiful luxury of beginning anew. A new you. You can't change the pass, but you can change your future. If you have wronged someone apologize. If you want to kill someone, put down the gun and put up your dukes, live to see another day, respect each other after the fight and let it go! One must give respect, to get respect! There is nothing attractive about arrogance or belittling others to make yourself feel better, to hide who you really are. STOP JUDGING ONE ANOTHER! No, muslims are not all terrorists! Think about it. No where in the Q'uaran do the words Holy and War appear together. Just because someone is gay doesn't mean they are going to hell, God loves all! He is a wonderful God. I digress. It is easier for some of us to let go of things. Try and understand why it is so difficult for many of us who have trouble letting go. Again I say instead of passing judgment HELP ONE ANOTHER, LOVE ONE ANOTHER. I know it's hard. Many of us feel threatened by one another. Beautiful women are sometimes threatened by other beautiful women, it happens. Broke men are threatened by men with means, it happens. The way to cope with that is confidence in the beautiful creature that God made you to be. And just like that you will answer your own questions. Just take a look in the mirror at the beauty that is you, no matter how different. Yours, mine, our difference is a beautiful thing. HELP ONE ANOTHER 2 LOVE ONE ANOTHER!

Tempera Mental Artist