Friday, April 6, 2012

It's Okay To Love (Again)

I thought about two guys I used to date and how they have closed their hearts. I thought about it because had I done the same, I would not have the love that I have today. One of them told me his story about 3 years ago, I don't know why I thought about him today. Perhaps he has found love again. There are some baaad women in the world. With the exception of Tyler Perry films, almost everything we see on television even the books we read portray men as these horrific creatures when in relationships. What about the trifling bitches who take advantage of the many good men that are in fact out there? This is the story he told me. He married her 3 weeks after he met her. He moved to Los Angeles for her neglecting the opinions of his friends and family. They were together a year and a half before she started cheating on him. Let me stop here. This particular guy loves hard when he loves, loves as deeply as a woman does, which I now see may have been his downfall. While in California, he worked around the clock was in the studio making music (about her) after that going for his dream. He wanted to make sure that his wife never had to work. He was paying for her education and raising her son. Yes, he was raising another man's child. That deserves applause in itself. He loves that little boy. He loves that little boy so much that his ex wife used this child as leverage to continuously string her ex husband along after the divorce was final. He came home one morning after working the grave yard shift to take his "son" to daycare. He and his son pull into a gas station. The boy says "daddy, that's the man that just left the house". EEK! When I tell you that he did everything for this woman, I mean everything. Whatever a woman could possibly want from a man she had in him. I haven't spoken to him in over a year but I am sure he'd say the same thing he said to me 3 years ago "I did everything I was supposed to do, and it wasn't enough,fuck women". Naturally, I had to stopped dealing with him because I knew it would never go anywhere and afterwhile he made it abundantly clear. But who could blame him? She brought another man (the man she was still with at the time of the story) into their bed, around their son. WRONG! Wrong on so many levels. He went into a state of depression so deep that he was on the brink of suicide, his bestfriend from highschool brought him back to life. God bless her for being a friend. The other one, his story is so bad he hasn't even told his mother. I blog about this today to apologize to the good men out there on behalf of trifling women. I blog about this today to say that I am one of the good ones and that it is okay for you to do everything right by your woman, some of us are worth it. I blog about this today to tell those of you who have experienced the pain of a broken heart. A pain I know all too well. I know that it feels like you have been stabbed directly into your heart but you won't die. I know that it feels like you may actually be capable of committing a crime. I know that it feels like the world is over, that the pain never subsides, that you wish you could snap your fingers and it be over in the blink of an eye. I know! I know all too well. But never give up on love. It is the one thing that is absolutely the best part of life. Never let anyone rob you of your ability to love. Never hold a grudge against that person, forgive them. I know it is easier said than done, but you feel 100 times better. Pick yourself up, love you! No one will love you better than you! Where would I be today if I'd said "fuck love"? Honestly. My beautiful man would be somewhere else, and I'd be increasingly bitter. It takes time to let go of heart ache, but you must let it go. Otherwise you block your blessings. And look at this, God had something better for me all along. What do you think he has for you?

Tempera Mental


  1. So, you had bitterness in your heart, and you managed to let it go, what would you say is the turning point that helped you let go of your resentment?

  2. Thank you for reading my blog. The turning point was forgiveness. Often we blame ourselves unecessarily when things go awry in a relationship. You must accept the mistakes you made and forgive yourself and the other person for any wrongdoings and move on. Like all things in life we must learn from our mistakes. No relationship is one-sided (each person makes mistakes). Even people who spend 30 years together make mistakes. It was all about acceptance and forgiveness.
