Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Birds of a Feather....

I suppose it has not occurred to many people that birds of a feather flock together. We must be careful of the company we keep. The company we keep has a profound effect on how our lives turn out. I say that the company we keep affects our lives because these are the people we call "friend". Let me pause right here, how many of you think you are a friend to someone? Would you let them borrow money? Would you bail them out of jail? If you are a straight man, and you closest boy decided to come out of the closet...are you his friend? A true friend would not say "remember that money I let you borrow". A true friend would simply bail you out of jail, not give you shit over the phone while you are still inside; "I am on the way". A real man would be a friend to his gay homeboy, "alright man, you need me to help you tell your family". I digress. I could write a whole other blog about those who think they are someone’s friend. Wait for it.
Be mindful of the company you keep, they affect your lively hood. If you want to be a better person seek out better people. Seek out those whom are positive go-getters. Seek out those who, as my friend Muzik would say "push, pray, and grind!" For example, let's say you have to train for a new job and you are gone for a year or so (out of the scene) and when you return, you see the same people, doing the same things. You notice you have not missed anything. This should set off a blaring alarm in your head, that these are the people you do not want to be around. They are going nowhere, fast! Now let me be clear, keep your friends who are stable individuals. There is a difference between those who are happy in their ignorance and those who are stable. Stability is a better quality of life (i.e. home, family, good credit, non-dead-end job). Those whom I am referring to are those who do not realize that they will not be young forever, those who have no insight, and those who do not realize that fast money is not the only money. Those whom I am referring to are those who complain constantly, always have something negative to say, always hating on the next person, and always think they are the best. If your friends are super-skinny, you will be or will want to be. If your friends are fat, you will be or have confidence once you begin gaining weight (the confidence is good, but fat is unhealthy and so is super-skinny). If you are in need of advice who do you turn to? Most people turn to their friends for advice. If your friends are ignorant haters who only care about the new Lil Wayne song, you are never going to get anywhere in life because they want you there with them.

Be mindful of the company you keep! Surround yourself with people who keep it moving! Surround yourself with motivated, positive, goal-oriented, determined, energy enhancers! Surround yourself with God-fearing people (the kind that do not pass judgment on others)! Surround yourself with the likes of those who are not arrogant! Get in the midst of a strong support team; those who will help you achieve your goals in life. Get in the midst of those who GRIND!  Get in the midst of those who enjoy reading because reading is fundamental; it's FUN and MENTAL! Surround yourself by people who do not look to Facebook for their answers to questions that matter. I'm going to stop right here. It just occurred to me that the people who need to read this, do not read at all. Or perhaps this has helped you....

Be mindful of the company you keep,

Tempera Mental

"Tell me what company you keep and I'll tell you what you are"
~Miguel De Cervantes

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