Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Self Improve

There comes a time in one's life when one must improve. Improve physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually. There comes a time when one must open themself to recover from mistakes made. Having said that I will tell you of my efforts to improve. It began on New Year's Eve; On December 31st, 2010 I found myself in church. Talk about right place, right time, right people. Helluva way to begin the process of self a matter of fact it's the perfect way to do so. From there I renewed my gym membership and slowed down my cigarette and alcohol intake. I have now found myself eating salads, soups, and sashimi....not bad for this soon to be "extra fabulous" young woman :-) Like my grandmother always says "prayer changes things", if only I'd have listened sooner. But as long as you have life you will always have a chance to better yourself. Trust that now is the time. If you wanna go back to school...GO! If you wanna go to the gym...GO! If you've wronged someone...MAKE AMMENDS! My point is now is the time to be the best you, the best me, we can be. Like Nike says "Just Do It". Good better best, never let it rest, until your good is better, and your better is best!

~Temper Mental
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Monday, January 10, 2011

The Decisions We Make

How well are things thought through before decisions are made? Can one ever be truly certain the decision he or she made is the "right decision"? Admittedly I have made some DUMB decisions in my life, be that as it may I am a truly great person today because of those DUMB decisions. The decision to blog sporadically comes from my need to share common ground with people who only look different from me, but trust we are all the same inside. We all decide to have children, get married, take a vacation, eat certain foods, buy certain things, have different religions, have attitudes for no apparent reason, etc. I'm just saying. I suppose that is why we share things with people. I imagine sharing fundemental ideas with people provide us all with better ways to make better decisions. Bottomline is we have each other to help us through our decision making processes. Now, having said that make no mistake about it one should ask God first. I have found when I ask God first, he'll send me an angel, that angel will be in human form to do his will (I.e. your mom or best friend, even a stranger) and you'll know he got your message; after all he made us in his image. So when making a decision go with God, share with one another, respect one another and above all Love One Another.
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Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.  There is no one who will follow or chase your dreams for you.  Let no fear, heartbreak, job, man or woman stop you.  Go confidently in the direction of your dreams for better quality of life.  By better quality of life I mean, dream of waking up to breakfast in bed...made by your personal chef.  Dream of actually owning that Maserati or Aston Martin.  Dream of making great investments.  Dream of being able to tithe 10% of $100,000,000 to your church.  Oh what God can do!  Dream a big Dream.  Have something to pass down to your estate perhaps, art, jewels, horses, fine wines, etc...  Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.  Do what is right by your dreams, i.e. put a down payment on a home with your first "$50,000", clear your credit report, buy an automobile that makes sense in this economy but still has style.  THINK a big dream and GO CONFIDENTLY in the Direction of that Dream.  I know I will

On Christ a solid rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand

Monday, January 3, 2011


God has a divine plan for us all.  I have opened my eyes many a morning and thought "how am I gonna get to where I wanna be?" After I asked myself that question I realized that my eyes are open...I'm alive and well and I should be greatful for that first.  As long as you have life in you one can start over again.  Today is a new day, we have made it through a new year.  Whatever you have always wanted to do, wherever you have always wanted to be, NOW IS THE TIME.  Do what I did; sit down and evaluate your life.  Now is the time for introspection.  Evaluate who you are, what you are, how you came to be where you are, let go and let GOD!  Time waits for no man.  Do not be concerned with trivial matters such as vanity, or what others may think of what you should be doing with your life, or what others think you should be doing make it to where you want to be in life.  Concerning yourself with others opinions of who you are can be highly detrimental.  All that matters is that you are the beautiful creature that God made you to be.  All that matters is that everything is as it should be and God has already answered our prayers.  Every piece of heartache, every piece of downfall, every piece of stress that you have endured has prepared you for the goodness that you have asked God for.  I would like to be as successful an actress as Angelina Jolie or Cate Blanchett, do you think that is something that God just hands out?  Do you think I know everything about that business? I'd imagine that it takes an exorbitant amount of preparation to get that far ahead in life.  Would I like it to happen over night?  ABSOLUTELY! Am I prepared for overnight success?  I am now, 6 months ago...hell no!  If only I could show you the wrath God bestowed upon me to get me where I am now.  I am greatful that I am strong now, courageous now, fearless now, patient now, greatful now! AS IT SHOULD BE!