Monday, January 10, 2011

The Decisions We Make

How well are things thought through before decisions are made? Can one ever be truly certain the decision he or she made is the "right decision"? Admittedly I have made some DUMB decisions in my life, be that as it may I am a truly great person today because of those DUMB decisions. The decision to blog sporadically comes from my need to share common ground with people who only look different from me, but trust we are all the same inside. We all decide to have children, get married, take a vacation, eat certain foods, buy certain things, have different religions, have attitudes for no apparent reason, etc. I'm just saying. I suppose that is why we share things with people. I imagine sharing fundemental ideas with people provide us all with better ways to make better decisions. Bottomline is we have each other to help us through our decision making processes. Now, having said that make no mistake about it one should ask God first. I have found when I ask God first, he'll send me an angel, that angel will be in human form to do his will (I.e. your mom or best friend, even a stranger) and you'll know he got your message; after all he made us in his image. So when making a decision go with God, share with one another, respect one another and above all Love One Another.
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