Sunday, June 19, 2011


I have found the joys of being faithful. It is not without difficulty. Monogamy is not something many people are capable of, especially in long distance relationships. When someone's actions speak louder than their words even at 1000 miles away, what does that say about that person's love for you? When you are tempted, do you stop and think about your significant other? What unfaithfulness might do to their heart, how it may affect their day (i.e. business important business deals, etc..) how it will affect the dynamics of your relationship (Trust is hard to get back)? Is one night of pleasure worth the MANY nights of joy with your significant other? Absolutely not! You must also remember that the person you cheat with will never care about you, their "love or care" will never be as genuine as the one you decided to be with. When you feel tempted, have you tried talking to your significant other about it? When you are tempted have you tried stepping away to call your significant other and say I love you, I miss you, I can't wait to be with you again? I have and it works wonders for your mind, body, and soul. It is also much easier to walk away from temptation because of technology these days. You have Skype, Facetime, Tango, Qik, plus so much more. Call, go to, or Facetime your significant other, hell tell them someone was attracted to you or you to someone, role play, get it off your will find, suprisingly, that you will only deepen the bond with the one you truly love.

Temper Mental

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