Saturday, July 2, 2011

Ignorance is Bliss? (Part 1)

How do you help people see what life really has to offer? How do you explain the world they know nothing about? How do you help them understand that there is a way out of their unhappiness. If you try and teach someone ignorant, do your teachings fall on deaf ears? How do you help those who are a product of their environment? I know people from all walks of life and many of them are sad, hopeless, individuals who either don't know who they are or are afraid to be who they are! I say this because I have never been one for "when in Rome". I do as I Damn well please without regard for anyone else's judgement. This sometimes causes people to not want to be around me or even be my friend. I am like this simply because I am happy.

I'm trying to figure out a way to help people be themselves because I am so sick of seeing angry, bitter ass people many of whom are my own would really bring a tear to your eye. That victim shit is overrated. That golddigger shit is overrated. Being a drug dealer or a fucking pimp is overrated.
Thinking that you have to have money to get a woman is just fucking stupid. But when you conform to what society deems as "the norm" you limit yourself completely.

The norm to many of you I'm ashamed to say is what you see in music videos, which in turn tells everyone else that you have no fucking imagination. Did it ever occur to you how hard these people have to work to get to the point of making a real music video? Many of you can't do it, wouldnt do it, and are not smart enough to do it. They'd put you in an outfit you think you don't look good in, you'll bitch about it and then no one will want to work with you and your dumb as will be mad at them.

Many of you need to stop hatin. Don't be mad at somebody who has what you want, be mad at yourself for not getting up off your ass and going to get your own goldmine. I hate seeing these idiots with gold teeth and dreadlocks trying to figure out why now reputable business will hire them. Hey dumbass, appearance is everything. Cut your fucking hair and take that shit out your mouth and you'll look better and have some legitimate money in your pocket; the kind of money that will keep you alive and out of jail. You'll even attract better women, clean women who get their hair done in salons as oppose to flea markets.  I don't even know why I'm writing this; most of the people who need to read this don't even read...if they did there would be no need for my writing this piece.  Cancel that last statement there are smart people out there who choose to be trifling, their unhappy as well. I've seen the beautiful ones step on the toes of others to get ahead, people they called their friends people they claimed to be cool with. Perhaps they just need attention, need to feel someone loves them. How sad, how hilariously sad. Who the hell is gonna love you when deep, deep, deep down inside you don't even love yourself. I could go on an on about this and eventually...I WILL.

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