Friday, October 28, 2011

IF IT WERE UP TO ME (A repetition poem)

If it were up to me, health care would be free

If it were up to me, there would be no need for war

If it were up to me, there would be capital punishment in my country

If it were up to me, the rich would have to walk a mile in a poor man's shoes

If it were up to me, I'd have my 40 acres and a mule

If it were up to me, we would be able to accept each other's differences

If it were up to me, there would be no incurable diseases

If it were up to me, the presidency could not be bought

If it were up to me, women would be treated as equals in all cultures

If it were up to me, children would be free of sexual predators

If it were up to me, skin color would not matter

If it were up to me, sexual preference would not matter

If it were up to me, church would be a safe haven

If it were up to me, there would be as many attractive men as there are women

If it were up to me, competition would be none

If it were up to me, boxing would still be a great sport

If it were up to me, today's music would require some kind of talent

If it were up to me, friendship would mean something

If it were up to me, people would keep their word

If it were up to me, military veterans would be tax free and never without

If it were up to me, the judicial system would be righteous

If it were up to me, African Americans would be treated as equals

If it were up to me, women would be meaningful pursuits as opposed to objects

If it were up to me, men would have to give birth at some point

If it were up to me, pittbulls wouldn't get such a bad rap, their owners would

If it were up to me, parents would whoop their kids asses

If it were up to me, high schools would have classes that actually teach about life

If it were up to me, all teachers would give a damn, not just some

If it were up to me, I'd go on and on with this

But it isn't up to me, is it!?

Thank you for reading,
Tempera Mental

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