Friday, January 6, 2012

And Then The Phone Rang

On this day 2001 my life changed forever. I was laying in bed with my boyfriend at the time who was telling me the story of his father's murder in the Dominican Republic. The phone rang, it was my mother. The first 5 days of 2001 had been amongst the happiest days of my life I had fallen in love with my friend (which I don't believe was a mistake). I had decided I wanted to become an actor. My father was a great actor who always believed in my talent, not because I was his little girl but because he felt I had actual talent. I used to put on shows for my dad in our living room, always something from an Eddie Murphy film. I love Eddie Murphy still. The phone rang, it was my mother. I can't say that my father was the world's greatest dad, but he was my father. I can't say he didn't have a drug problem, I can't say he was always faithful to my mother, or my sister's mother, or my brother's mother, I can't even say he was a provider, but he was my father! At least he was there for one of us. In 2000 we were just really becoming a family. By becoming a family I mean that I was in Newark, New Jersey with my sister, my brother, my nephew, my father, and my best friend Mikki. My father had to withdraw money from the ATM, he had given us all money, even my best friend saying and I quote "I don't know you, but you get some too". Then the phone rang, it was my mother. My mother and father were together some 25 years. It would have been nice to have my siblings there with me. We all look like we came from my mother any way. LOL! My father went back to Newark to take care of what was left of his side of the family. My paternal side all past within an 11 year time frame. My aunt Jerry, aunt Larry-Ann, my Grandma, Great-Grandma, GrandFather, aunt Sheila, every fucking body died! Then the phone rang. I can't begin to go anymore indepth into this than what I already have, otherwise I won't be able to stop crying. When I spoke to my father on Christmas Eve 2000, he was in great spirits. I told him that I was happy and safe and with my boyfriend. He told me he loved me and I said "I love you to daddy". My boyfriend at the time and I lay in bed; he says "my father was murdered" (his father) and then the phone rang. He answered the phone to what sounded like a crank caller speaking in a language he'd never heard, he hung up the phone. The phone rang again, this time a much clearer though insanely stressed voice screamed out "he's gone"! My boyfriend got up out of the bed facing the wall for a minute. I got up on the other side of the bed and stood facing him. He turned around with tears in his eyes. I knew immediately that someone had died. I said "is it my mother?", he said no. I said "is it my uncle GG"? He said, no. It was the way he said no the second time that shot arrows through my heart. The no was as if he knew he was about to die and didn't want to go. He then said "It's your father". I froze. He dropped the phone and came to hold me. I told him to get away from me. I fell to the floor in that house crying against a wall for about 3 minutes (literally). I then realized I had to pull myself together for my mother's sake. I ran out the door. I did 120 mph getting to my mother. I was 30 minutes away, I was there in less than 15. The love my parents had for each other is that of what you see in fairytales, in movies. I don't know how or why people say love like that is impossible or unreal. It is very real. I have witnessed it. I pulled myself to my feet and got to my mother. If my mother were not a Christian she'd have killed herself just to be with him again. I had to get to my mother. When I arrived at the house I walked in to my mother standing on the landing of the staircase with a joint in one hand and the other on her heart. My doesn't do drugs but she was completely inconsolable. She had to smoke something. Wouldn't you? We have a sister we have never met. Her mother wouldn't even bring her to the funeral. She was about 3 years old when our father died. I wonder if she even knows we exist? I wonder if she knows we are looking for her? I wonder if she knows we all look alike. I don't even know her mothers' last name. I can't keep writing. Just wanted to share with you all. I must go now otherwise I'll cry all day. Thank you for your time.

Tempera Mental

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing that with us.I felt like I was right there living put your words. It's no wonder you have the heart you do; it is a beautiful attribute. My mom was the same way oward my dad. He passed in like '91 and she still cries everyday. She will never look at another man. She taught me strength and forgiveness. The things we overlook about ourselves all the time. Never lose touch with history it will lead us in the right place if we stay tune with the memories. Everything happens for a reason. Be blessed.
