Thursday, March 29, 2012

I'm Happy

It is always difficult for me to blog when I am happy and everything seems right. I'm seem to be at my best when I am angry or slightly vexed about something hence the name Temperamental. I can't bring myself to comment on the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman travesty, nor can I comment on why men feel like they can tell a woman to "Act like a lady, Think like a man". At any rate, I am simply happy. By the grace of God I have everything I need at this very moment and I'm happy. If I died today, I can say that the only thing I haven't done is have children and a marriage. I have lived, I have laughed, I have loved. The best part is, it isn't over yet. My life is in fact just beginning. I wish the best for everyone. I wish my happiness for those whom I love, people I know and don't know. I want you to be happy and blessed and free spirited. I want you all to learn to love one another, to coexist peacefully, as I do with those around me. It's not as hard as it may seem, or as difficult as many people make it out to be. Of course education is the key, along with limiting the amount of news you watch. They never show anything good, the media makes the world seem to be something that it is not. I remember there was once a newspaper which printed only the good news. They eventually went out of business, people didn't want to know about good news. If that isn't sad, I don't know what is. My point to all of this is, if you can accept that you won't be able to understand everything, stop judging others and stop worrying about how you look in front of other people your world can be a better place. Of course I'm reaching by evening thinking it is possible for us to coexist peacefully, but I am the change I seek so I am happy knowing that it has started somewhere. I digress. I'm happy a shit! LOL! Join me. God speed.

Tempera Mental

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