Friday, March 2, 2012


It is amazing to me the amount of people I have come across who do not know who they are. I have never seen so many people do so much to impress so many people who do not give two shits about them. I know people right now who are in debt just so they can push a benz to places that have celebrity citings on a regular bases. There are people who go broke trying to keep up with The Kardashians. Yes it's no longer The Jones'. The real question is what are they afraid of? What is this need for material that is so important to them? Why if they work someplace less than reputable can't they tell their friends about it? It might then occur to them that they don't have any friends at all. I don't care who does or doesn't like me, because I like me, as a matter fact I looooovvvveeee me! I wouldn't trade being me for anything in the world. I wouldn't trade my 2000 Ford Taurus with her 180,000 miles for a benz and fake friends. I wouldn't trade true love, for some baller who cheats on me and leaves me at home alone crying all the time just so I can be seen in Louboutin's around my fake friends. True wealth doesn't come in the form of a check! True wealth does not come in the form of material things. True wealth is in having a relationship with your God, having a family who truly loves you! Do you know that family doesn't have to be related to you? Family can be your closest friends, how beautiful is that? How beautiful is it to have a complete stranger become someone who you can actually call upon in a time of need? How beautiful is it to have a complete stranger become the person who will bail your ass out of jail, not judge or hold it against you, but uplift you and help you through? My point to all of this is ACCEPT WHO YOU ARE! Now, in an effort to understand these individuals, I will accept the fact that they may very well know who they are and pretentious is in fact who they are, then one day they wake up...old (which is 30 to them). I simply feel that the only people that have to put on airs are famous people, but that is only their job. I love to read tabloid magazines simply because they show famous people behind the scenes. They take off their make-up, they pick-up their dry cleaning, they go to the grocery store, they even walk their dogs...Who knew?! LOL! I understand this is the world we live in, but good grief! All that pretending must weigh heavily on the soul at some point.

Tempera Mental

1 comment:

  1. Man!! I loved this post! You had me smiling, laughing, and in tears in 2 minutes. What the WUUUUUT! We know this scenario all too well. SMH. I posted on my Facebook a couple of days ago a quote from Kanye, "The things we buy to cover up what's inside". LOW SELF ESTEEM.

    Now, to the topic of the chicks going bankrupt to get noticed at these huge celebrities events or parties....

    I never in a million years could understand the phenom. I would never fall into some nonsense like that. They are you human just like us; therefore, what is all they hype to break your neck and your bank? Let's be real, what are the odds he is going to marry a groupie? They aren't stupid, they know who they are up against and they will use it to their advantage. I know females hurting every night praying "he" is going to change. No money in the world can keep me crying night after night. I'll be damn! As you said, if more women knew their true wealth they would feel just as rich as the bank account they dream if having. And guess what? It is attainable. They just have to get off their a** and get it!


