Monday, December 27, 2010

LOVE (Part I)

I suppose we all just like the feeling of love.  Love gives us a feeling of acceptance; it shows us that someone really likes who we are.  What happens when the person whom you thought loved you stops calling? What happens when they spend so much time with you that you fall in love and they don't; how when the time that you spent together was so beautiful?  How can you show someone that you are different from everything they are use to? What if they have adapted and become what they are use to? I believe the saddest part of Love is the fact that it is a game.  You must play the game of love and risk breaking or having your heart broken everytime.  Now, the great thing about can choose not to play. Hallelujah to that! I have always been a complete ball of love, it is who I am.  I love people, places, & things, much more than most people.  The places and things I love the most.  But people?  People lie to you, steal from you, hurt you...and it's always the people you love the most that do these things.  Why is that?  I suppose we all dream of the love of Romeo & Juliet (without the suicide of course), Edward & Bella, or The Farm Boy & Buttercup.  But I suppose that is why they are fictional characters: true love does not exist in reality.  I feel as tho no one is capable of being faithful anymore...too many options; no one puts any effort into being romantic, spicing up a relationship, or trying to get to know the person you say they love.  How many of you know your mates favorite color or colors?  Favorite movie, food, where they see themselves in 10 years?  Have you even asked these questions? Do you really care about that person or what he or she does for you?  I have noticed that many women only want a man who has money and status?  Bitch you don't have these things, so what the hell makes you think he'll want you for anything other than pussy or to be arm candy?  You have placed yourself in that realm of ignorance in hopes that he'll make you #1.  I have noticed that men have trouble being honest simply because they want to have their cake and eat it too!  How hard is it to say "I'm not interested in being in a relationship, I just wanna have sex"?  You cowards cant do it because it will be a blow to your ego if she says no because you really want that chance to open her legs.  So you'd rather play with her emotions; do everything you have to do physically, mentally and emotionally to get between her legs and then when she gives in..poof the phone calls slow down, not because the sex was bad, but because there are sooo many options out there.  Then you wonder why it happens to you one day or to your daughter.  Then "bitches ain't shit"! Truth is none of us know exactly what we want, none of us will ever get exactly what we want because it only exists in fairytales. Now, if you are over 40 single with no children because you are waiting for this special fairytale love... wake the f*ck up!  Find someone before your ass ends up old and alone in an old folks home.  Because the bottomline is true love doesn't exist, but at least there is some kind of love out there; it's break your heart at the drop of a dime type love, but it is all we have. For those of you who have been in love, I really wish it would last for you  because the world we live in's really sad.  Guys will have sex with anything and women will have sex with your man, they will even charge him for it.  So to all of you women out their who think that their man is faithful:  WAKE UP DUMB DUMB! For the love of God woman wake up.  Everyone cheats in some capacity.  I do hope that I have evoked emotion in all of you.  Don't mind me, I'm just bitter about this thing we call  Love.

1 comment:

  1. I try to tell people this every day but everyone is living in a fantasy world... Im single now because I feel no one can be faithful nor can anyone keep it real. I've been in love before & it hurt like hell so I never wanna feel that way again but not only da pain but to be honest everything is superficial. I used to be a be freak but now I see that shit is just another form of controlling a person & stopping them from their goals! In closing fuck love, get money!!!!
